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Pray! : Car project for Tiogo school

Car project for school

Greetings to the leaders of Global Missions! The staff and teachers and students of the evangelical school of Tiogo extend their love and appreciation to you. Thank you for this school that has proven to be a great blessing to multitudes. Because the staff and teachers would like to give their very best for the success of the students, we would like to share this car project with you.

One of the pressing needs of our school is a vehicle. Given the distance from Koudougou to Tiogo (35 km one way), given that most of our staff and teachers live in Koudougou and have to commute daily with scooters to get the school, given the high price of gas, given the high cost to rent a car in Burkina for special events, and given that some teachers occasionally come late because of the distance, a car would be a great blessing to our school.


  • Most of our teachers already teach in Koudougou or attend the University of Koudougou. So, they cannot stay in Tiogo all week. They must commute because of their responsibilities in Koudougou.
  • The number of staff and teachers commuting from Koudougou to Tiogo is 10.
  • Number of scooters used: 7
  • Round trip distance (Koudougou-Tiogo) : 70 km
  • Average gas money needed for the 70km trip: $ 2
  • Number of teachers and staff who commute from Koudougou to Tiogo five days a week: 3
  • Number of teachers who commute 2 to 3 times a week : 7
  • Traveling 70 km on a scooter daily can be tiring.
  • Occasionally, some teachers come late because of the distance or problems with their scooters.

Why a car?

  • With a car, we could easily and cheaply transport the staff and teachers who need to commute every day.
  • No teacher would be late to school any longer.
  • We could transport the musical instruments of the school easily and safely for open-air evangelization.
  • We could avoid the high costs of car renting for guests if the school has a vehicle.
  • With only $6 worth of gas per day, we could transport five staff and teachers safely to school and back.

The cost of a used car in Burkina Faso: $ 6000

I have inquired from many car dealers and the best price for a used Toyota is $ 6000. Since these used cars are imported from Europe and other nations, the shipping cost and the taxes at the customs push the prices up. It is difficult to find a good used car for less than this price.

Since you are planning to visit us by the end of May 2017, it would be best if we could get the car before your arrival. That way, we would not need to spend $50 or more per day to rent a vehicle.  Also, this project would yield long term benefits. We would end the school year well with a better means of transportation as I will be driving the staff and teachers to school safely on a daily basis. Thank you in advance for considering this project!

By Pawendtare Kombassere, with sincerity and utmost integrity      

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