팔레스타인 미션 사역소개 Palestine Mission Introduction

제자훈련, 사역자훈련신학교, 교회개척

Church Planter/Minister Training- King’s College Seminary, Church Planting


Director: John Yoo

Palestine King’s College 


Palestine Bible College (PBC) is established to train to spread the Word of God across the land of Palestine and to the ends of the earth. We believe that only well-trained ministers are adequately equipped to preach the full gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with, purpose and power. Therefore, PBC prepares students from different places, different churches with different callings for real world, God-centered, and practical Christian ministry. Our focus remains firmly on Biblical teaching, the acquisition of essential skills, and the nourishing of daily devotional practice. This, PBS is a unique learning environment where study, discipleship, personal transformation, and practical application go hand in hand together. We thank God who has made this possible without adulteration or lowering the standard and quality of the training packages.

Vision Statement

Evangelization of Palestine

  1. To raise disciples like Christ in Palestine.
  2. To educate student who are equipped with the Bible and filled with the Holy Spirit.
  3. To send students as evangelists to villages.
  4. To plant (local, house, cell) churches in Palestine.
  5. To help orphans and the poor.
  6. To bring Biblical Evangelical doctrine into Palestine Christianity.
  7. To send missionaries to countries.

Statement of Faith

  1. We believe that all the scriptures is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16).
  2. We believe that Trinity which is Father, Son, Holy Spirit as three person in same nature in one God.
  3. We believe the divinity, humanity, virgin birth and the sin0lessness of Jesus Christ.
  4. We believe in the personality of the Holy Spirit that the Holy is the third person in the Trinity.
  5. We believe that man was created in the image of God, fall into temptation and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Man is not able to save himself and in need of salvation from God.
  6. We believe that man is saved through faith in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:5-9, Titus 3:5).
  7. We believe that Jesus Christ will come back literally.


  1. To train the students as evangelist for the good news and the Kingdom of God.
  2. To train the students as disciple makers of Christ.
  3. To equip the students as church planters.
  4. To prepare the students as a good shepherd.


Entrust to faithful men and women who would also be able to teach others (2 Tim. 2:2).

  1. To produce the students who have personal intimate relationship with Christ and mature character of Christ Jesus.
  2. To educate the student as Evangelist.
  3. To produce Disciple Makers.
  4. To produce Church Planters.
  5. To produce good Shepherd.

Mission and Method

The purpose of PBC is to mentor students for the Holy Spirit filled leadership in ministry in light of the Great commission. We are not remaining the classes are the only learning place, but through a combination of format instruction, chapel services, practical experience, personal interaction and discipleship, the College aims to develop the inner man. Our purpose is to produce the Holy Spirit-filled leaders with a ministry followed the Bible is the chief textbook and Jesus is the sovereign Lord. Special emphasis is placed upon the students; relationship with God and the Holy Spirit is invited to interrupt the daily routine at any time.

Graduation requirement:

  1. Approved character and conduct

(Determined by trustee board and faculty)

  1. Satisfactory completion of a course
  2. An accumulated grade-point average of 2.0 or higher



Chapel service will be conducted Monday through Friday every morning before the class 8:00-9:00 A.M. These chapel services consists of praise, worship and prayer.

Mission trip:

Periodically, a faculty member will take students to the mission filed where they work with established ministries. The mission department aids students in participating in mission trip.


 Palestine Bible College

Palestine King’s College 팔레스타인 신학교.

500만명의 팔레스타인의 복음화를 위하여  목회자를 훈련하여 커뮤니티에 작은교회를 세우고저 합니다.



학교 이름: Palestine King’s College.

학교 개교: 2017 7 10.

학교 장소: 2017 라말라


 4과목; 4번의 Intensive Course,

Class 운영: 수강전 독서함, 숙식하며 집중수강함 그리고 추후 과제물 제출.

Budget:학생1인당 $200 장학금/ Class,  재학생: 20.

장소 식사비: 성공회 센터(라말라 교회) 빌려서

강사비: 자비량 faith mission으로 .


재학생들: 20.

Here are the names of Palestine King’s College.




Advisor:  Dr. Walter C. Kaiser. (Dr. 월트 카이저)

Emeritus President of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary,

Former Presidents of Evangelical Theological society


Advisor: Dr. Doug Birdsall. (Dr. 벌설)

Former Lausanne Chairman


President(학장): Dr. Joshua Park  &  Rev. Soohun Lee. (박흥수 & 이수훈목사)


Director: Rev. Jonghyun Yoo.




USA: Hungsoo Park, Return of the King Fellowship

142 Essex Street, South Hamilton, 316F MA 01982 USA
CP: 978.578.3971  

E-Mail: hungspark@gmail.com


Palestine : Ryu Jonghyun Yoo , E-Mail: jong_yoo@hotmail.com






1. Jim Critchlow Ph.D. (Edinburgh Seminary) Professor of Gordon Conwell theological Seminary
2. Paul Martindale


Professor of Gordon Conwell theological Seminary
3. Beth Park MA Gordon Conwell Theological Seminar,

MDiv,Th.M Torch Trinity

4. Jeremiah Kim Ph.D. Candidate Macmaster Seminary (Canada)
5. Gary Parret Ph.D. (Columbia University) Professor of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary
6. Sungjin Kim Ph.D. Candidate (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, USA)
7. Xiyi Yao Ph.D. (Boston University, USA)

Professor of Gordon Conwell theological Seminary

8. Moad MA. (Yale University, Gordon Conwell theological Seminary)






  1. Theology:
  2. Biblical Theology / Old Testament, New Testament:

Jim Critchlow, Jooyun Kim, Ezra Choe, Sungmok Kim, Jungwon Kim, Sungjin Kim, Ayun Kim. Hayoung Son.

          3. Systematic Theology:

Holy Spirit: Sungwang Kim, Asher Intrater,

Christianity Spirituality: Hungsoo Park,

           4.   Historical Theology

           5.  Practical Theology

  1. Evangelism: Sean Steckbeck
  2. Discipleship: Shashi, Junyoung Lee, Jongin Hong, Younghyuck Bang
  3. Church Planting: Sean Steckbeck, Kokeb, MoyoungYun
  4. Pastoral Ministry: Suhun Lee, Sungchul Whang, Eithan Shishcoff,
  5. Counselling
  6. Christian Education: Jinsoo Kim,
  7. Works of Holy Spirit: Caroll Thompson, KyungJo Jung.
  8. Intercessory prayer & Spiritual Warfare: Jaeyoung Jung.
  9. Preaching: Shohei
  10. Mission: Martindale
  11. Missiology: Yao, Jaewoo Lee
  12. Mission School Planting& Management: Paw, Sungyun&Sunhee Kong.
  13. College Planting & Management: Hungsoo Park.
  14. Campus Church Planting and Management: Hungsoo Park.



King’s College Jerusalem Curriculum

1 year: Kingdom of God & Sonship, OT Survey, Prayer & Power of Holy Spirit, Spiritual Formation (Inner Healing),

2 year: Evangelism, Mission & Discipleship, NT Survey, OT Pentateuch& Historical Books, NT Gospels & Acts,

3 year: Youth & Church Education, Systematic Theology (Theology, Revelation, and God, Christ, Man, and Salvation, Holy Spirit, Church, Israel, and Consummation), NT Epistles & Revelation, Church History & Messianic Movement.

4 year: OT Pentateuch & Historical Books, Homiletics, Pastoral & Family Counselling, Church Planting & Pastoral Ministry.





Spiritual Formation

✦ SF 501 Kingdom of God & Sonship ✦ SF 511 Spiritual Formation (Inner Healing) ✦ SF 521 Prayer & Power of Holy Spirit.


Old Testament

✦ OT 501 Old Testament Survey ✦ OT 511 Hebrew ✦ OT 521 OT Pentateuch& Historical Books ✦ OT 522 OT Pentateuch& Historical Books


New Testament

✦ NT 501 New Testament Survey ✦ NT 511 Greek I 3 ✦ NT 512 Greek II 3 ✦ NT 521 Greek Exegesis 3 ✦ NT 531 Gospels & Acts ✦ NT 532 NT Epistles & Revelation


Church History

✦ CH 501 Church History & Messianic Movement



✦ TH 511 Systematic Theology (Theology, Revelation, and God, Christ, Man, and Salvation, Holy Spirit, Church, Israel, and Consummation)


Christian Ministry

✦ CM 512 Homiletics

✦ CM 521 Evangelism, Mission & Discipleship

✧ CM 531 Pastoral & Family Counselling

✧ CM 541 Youth & Church Education

✧ CM 551 Church Planting & Pastoral Ministry.


Spiritual Formation Experience

✦ SE 501 Prayer Internship ✦ SE 502 Bible Internship


Ministry Experience

✦ ME 501 Evangelism Internship ✦ ME 502 Discipleship Internship

✦ ME 503 Church Planting and Development ✦ ME 504 Mission Internship