아프리카 미션 사역소개 Africa Mission Introduction
리더쉽 훈련 Church Planting
신학 훈련이 없는 현지 목회자들을 위한 체계적인 훈련 프로그램 Minister’s Training.
I. King’s College Kenya (Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Malai) campus in Swahili.
For raising ministers of Jesus, the Messiah, we work together at King’s College Kenya for God’s Kingdom.
II. King’s College Ethiopia (Uganda, South Sudan) in English &a Amharic.
For raising ministers of Jesus, the Messiah, we work together at King’s College Ethiopia for God’s Kingdom.
King & Owner: Messiah Yeshua
Advisor: Dr. Walter C. Kaiser. Former President USA Evangelical Theology Society, Former President Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.
Advisor: Dr. Doug Birdsir. Former President of Lausanne World Mission Movement.
Regent / President: Dr. Joshua Park.
King’s College Africa Coordinator: Jeremiah kim
Dean: Pastor Choi Joash. (Kenya Campus)
Dean: Kunen Nyck (Ethiopia Campus)
Regional Coordinators (Mentors): Coordinators of countries for Students.
South Sudan:
International HQ Faculty Introduction;
Dr. Joshua Park: Biblical Studies, Evangelical Theology. Christianity Spirituality. Israel.
SNU, MBI, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, Regent Univ. USA/KOREA
Beth Park: Biblical Studies, Women Study, Israel.
SNU, TORCH TRINITY, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. USA/KOREA
Dr. Ezra Choe: Israel Studies, Apologetics.
SNU, New York Univ., UCA, Presbyterian Seminary. USA
Dr. Sumi Kim: Creation Theology. Pastoral Ministry
SNU, New York Univ, CAL-TECH, Fuller Theological Seminary. USA
Pastor Jeremy Kim: New Testament, Systematic Theology.
Foreign Univ., SNU, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. MAC-MATH. Canada.
Dr. Ayun Kim: Old Testament.
Korea Univ., TORCH TRINITY, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, TRINITY. USA/KOREA
Pastor Samuel Kim: Church History, Preaching. Biblical Studies.
UCLA, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. USA.
Pastor Joseph Yoon: Evangelism, Revival
London College. UK.
Pastor David Ahn: Character
Dr. Candidate Changsoo Kim: Pastoral Ministry
GCTS, Mac Math
Dr. Jongsoo Heo: Missiology
Hanyang Univ. Liberty Univ, Southern Baptist Seminary. USA.
Dr. Jim Critchlow: Old Testament.
West-point, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, Edinburgh Univ. UK. USA.
Dr. Immanuel: Islam Mission.
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy will be Done on Earth as It is in Heaven!
커뮤니티 Community
선교의 전략으로 초중고 미션스쿨을 운영함으로 지역사회를 통한 선교 기회Elementary, Middle & High School)
부르키나 파소 Burkina Faso. Director/Principal : Pawendtare Kombassere
지역 사역: 티오고 선교 중고등학교
Tiogo Evangelical Secondary School. (Middle-High school) : 20에이크 캠퍼스, 중학교와 고등학교, (교육부 인가 승인 받음), 행정동, 교장 및 게스트 사택, 축구장, 야외 교실, 솔라 패널, 자동 우물 시스템으로 풍부하게 퍼올리는 물을 학교와 이웃 주민들에게 나눔, 농장의 미네랄 나무 식수와 나눔.
악기: 오케스트라팀 준비중, 찬양팀 악기 준비함. / 도서실, 컴퓨터실 준비중임.
지역 사역: 여성사역자 및 목회자 세미나
Local Ministry: Women Minister & Pastor Seminar